Fun Facts 1. I was born on an island and have visited islands all over the world, including The Galapagos Islands .
2.I once had bioluminescent algae for a roommate (FLICKER FLASH).
3. I've signed books for all ages--from an unborn baby to a college student graduating with a degree in Marine Biology and marrying a boat captain (SPLISH SPLASH).
4. One school had a parade for me. We marched through the playground--with students wearing poem-inspired hats--while over the PA system they played "Splish Splash, I was taking a bath . . . .” Everyone started dancing!
Joan Bransfield Graham Author
Recent Titles THE POEM THAT WILL NOT END: Fun with Poetic Forms and Voices (Amazon Children's Publishing/Two Lions) THE POEM THAT WILL NOT END Booktrailer
SPLISH SPLASH(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) and FLICKER FLASH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)—shape poems about water and light—inspire students to write their own poetry, think creatively, and notice the poetry all around them.
SPLISH SPLASH with poetry! Let creative ideas FLICKER FLASH through your imagination! A former teacher with experience in K-8 and gifted, Joan Graham shares her SLJ Best, NCTE Notable, award-winning books of shape poems about water and light. Her books satisfy state standards in both Science and Language Arts and, since they are so visual, work well for ESL students. Find out how poems and books take shape. Snorkel in Bora Bora; see the Northern Lights. Slides, puppets, rain sticks, an ocean drum, a thunder stick, and student participation. Explore poetic techniques. Do a poem in sign language. Teacher idea sheets and contest information.
Possible formats include two or three 45-minute assemblies grouped by grade—i.e. K/1, 2/3, 4/5(6). Poetry writing workshops. Ms. Graham is very flexible and tailors the presentation to fit the age level; please contact her to discuss a personalized event to fit your needs. Teacher In-Service available.
An avid traveler and photographer, Joan enjoys giving presentations and workshops at schools, libraries, and conferences throughout the world. She’s spoken at the Casablanca American School, ALA, IRA, CRA, CSLA, CAG and many more conferences and events.
Accolades “Phenomenal . . . an enriching experience!”
“Best assembly we've ever had--and I've been here 28 years!"
"Compelling presentation . . . the audience was dazzled . . . this group will never forget you."
"Everything I'd ever hoped for in bringing an author to interact with the children. You really touched a lot of lives in a positive way."
"I've been teaching for 36 years, and this is the most inspiring day I have experienced!"
"Wonderful presentations . . . and the Writer's Workshop was fabulous."
"What a gift you have for inspiring people--young and old!"
“Thank you--for making a difference in our lives."
For more information about Joan, her books, or presentations, visit